We've Moved! Now located at 137 Enterprise Drive, Ste. B, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
We've Moved! Now located at 137 Enterprise Drive, Ste. B, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
This estimate, quote, or bid is good for 7-days. All Sales Are Final. Shipping and Handling costs have been included in the cost of your hardware. Hardware will not be ordered until full payment is received. We reserve the right to file a contractor lien in order to recoup unpaid balances. Off Grid Unlimited reserves the right to repossess any hardware required for installation that has not been paid for within 60-days and return it to inventory. Pending hardware delivery will be held until any outstanding service balances have been paid in full. Any additional charges incurred due to home owner alterations to the original design will be invoiced separately. Failure to abide by safety recommendations by our staff will result in termination of all work until or unless safety issues are resolved. Off Grid Unlimited will not be responsible for damage due to 2nd, 3rd party, or homeowner installation of any equipment at the job site. Off Grid Unlimited will not warranty/guarantee any hardware purchased by the homeowner outside of our own supply channels. All contracts associated with this project will be drafted and managed by Off Grid Unlimited and any attempt to subcontract work to another installer, electrician, or general contractor in contradiction to agreed work will result in a separation fee for time lost, shipping, handling, and storage. All necessary building codes will be followed by anyone involved with the installation, to include the homeowner or we retain the right to cancel all work. In the event hardware must be returned for any reason there will be a 16% restocking fee. Long-term storage of hardware will incur a monthly fee of 5% per month past 30-days. Mileage will be charged at the Federal Mileage Rate for the year in which the work is done. Prior to any excavation the client is obligated to call 811 and request all buried utility lines be marked. We no longer accept credit/debit cards due to the current increase in transaction fees across the banking industry and accept cash or check. Payment for this Invoice, Estimate, or Credit Memo constitutes acceptance of the above terms and conditions.
Copyright © 2024 Off Grid Unlimited - All Rights Reserved.
Main Office: 137 Enterprise Drive, Suite B, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
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